Hello and welcome to my Art Page.
My name is Merri and as a painter I go by Merri Van Te.
I wear many hats and love to experiment in many forms of Art. Since I was given such a beautiful name I twist and turn it to present me in any art form I am currently focused on.
MERRY ART is a brand focused on my painting and photography and other forms of visual Arts.
I choose that name because creating Paintings makes me happy and I hope my audience will sense those same feelings through my Art.
It is not easy to pinpoint the moment, day or year I started painting, as anything in life, nothing really happens overnight.
I started with arts and crafts in boring winter days and then it just built up from there.
One winter I was crocheting jewelry, the next one drew me to decoupage and the next one I started dabbling with acrylics. Or something like that… Remembering exactly what happened when sometimes eludes me …
Roughly, I’d say maybe it was 2018 that I made my first ‘official’ painting. I was watching a You Tube video where this gentleman painted an amazing waterfall using One Stroke technique, in just few minutes, and I was shocked with amazement and – hooked.
My version of that Waterfall came out so perfect that I remember myself jumping around my room for joy. Could not believe that came out of my hands. And so, I continued …
It is 2022 today and I’m still on it. Loving it, creating, experimenting, discovering, growing …
Someone recently said that by watching my paintings they can feel the peace and happiness I had while creating them. I hope you feel that too. Let me know…